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    I still haven't updated the file yet, but I used this design to solve the Odin Project Calculator project. Please take time to review it at your convenience and let me know what you think and what feedback you may have.

    Thanks, y'all!

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    I appreciate any feedback y'all are able to provide me with. I struggled a bit with getting the .svg images to stay in the areas I expected the way I expected them to but was eventually able to come up with a workable solution, just not the best I feel it could be with more knowledge and experience. Also, if you're able to recommend a good tutorial for working with and positioning SVG images, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • Submitted

    All constructive feedback is welcome. I struggled with the background image's size and positioning, so any feedback regarding how to get that properly positioned is welcomed! :)

    Also, I just found Kevin Powell's responsive layout tutorials, so I'll go through those before proceeding with any additional designs, but will use what I learn to revisit this challenge later.

    Thanks again y'all!

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    I completed this using StackBlitz and worked to refine it throughout the day. However, checking it later on my personal laptop I noticed that the text overlapped quite heavily. I haven't checked yet, but I wondered if it may have been due to my OS default setup (new Ubuntu user here). If anyone is seeing any crazy overlap, I would very much appreciate you letting me know.