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  • Submitted

    Hi community !

    I build this challenge using simple HTML, CSS and JS. Please let me know if I can improve my code or my design.

    I tested the site created using Selenium and Cucumber. Please let me know if I can improve my tests.

    Thank you in advance !

    Happy coding !

  • Submitted

    The project is not perfect as in the design file. On this end I would like to receive some feedback on how to improve my frontend. Also I used automated testing techniques in order to test my site. I used Java and Selenium. I would like to receive some feedback also on this end, if my test cases are clear enough and if they are sufficient. I tested the core functions of the site, if the button works and if the text from API is displayed on the page after pressing the button.

    Thank in advance ! Happy codding !

  • Submitted

    Any feedback is welcome !

  • Submitted

    Done with React

    • HTML
    • CSS


    I made this project in React to gain experience with this technology. I know that this project could have been done just in HTML/CSS. This could be a React component as the title said. If anyone can give me any feedback regarding my code or layout it would be greatly appreciated ! Thank you !

  • Submitted

    This is my first project done with React on this site. If you could look at my code and provide any feedback regarding components or styling it would be greatly appreciated. Happy coding !

  • Submitted

    The project looks complete but:

    • On the frontend part it could be further refined. Can someone give me any feedback on it ? How can my code be improved ?
    • On the backend part I used loops to get the data from the JSON file and replace the hours innerHTML property with it. Could this be done faster ? Can someone give me any feedback on the JS code ?

    Happy codding !

  • Submitted

    The project is not yet complete and I need some feedback on the overall look and some tips on how to create the popup on the mobile view of the site.

    Any other feedback is appreciated !

  • Submitted

    Can someone help me with that popup ? I couldn't make it work. Also can someone suggest how to better improve my code and overall design of the page ? Thank you !

  • Submitted

    The project is complete though it could be improved:

    • on backend: the calculations performed are not complex and this part could be enhanced
    • on frontend: the project looks nice but it could be improved to look as on design files
    • bugs: I've done some testing and what bugs I could find, I solved them but there could be more as I am not a professional QA

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated !

  • Submitted

    The project is mostly complete but I have some things that I could not done as in design files:

    • On the slider thumb in the design files, there are different cursors on hover and thumb grabbing. I put cursor: grabbing; property on it and works for grabbing but on hover it did nothing. Can someone help me with this ?
    • For the background of the slider I used linear-gradient and changed it from JS but it doesn't look so good. Could someone give any advice on how to build it better ?

    If someone could help me with the questions above or with general advice on how good I used margins, padding and positioning it would be great. Any other feedback is appreciated !

  • Submitted

    I manage to finish the project but I have some BUGs that needs to be treated but here I am unsure how can I solve them.

    • A visual BUG appear on the button, as it's not perfectly fit inside the container. Also the linear gradient seems to not be exactly as in the design file.
    • Another BUG appears when I tried to test if a message appears when the email field is empty or if the email introduced is not valid. If one of these cases is true then the message appears bellow the input but if I put the correct email, press the button and after that put an empty field or wrong email and press the button the error message does not appear bellow.

    Any other feedback is appreciated !

  • Submitted

    I manage to finish the card component but the two images from the background did align like in the design file. Can someone help to fix this issue ?

  • Submitted

    I manage to done this without using JS but I have some visual issues:

    • FAQ title does not align to the left on large screens even if the content below is.
    • Box illustration image is not align well to the other image on large screens.
    • On mobile screen size there is a big gap between image on the top and the content below.

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated !

  • Submitted

    The project is finished though it could be improved to look like in the picture. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

  • Submitted

    I manage to solve the most part of the challenge but I saw a few visual bugs on inputs and also I got sometimes NaN in values of tip amount and total per person. Hope someone could help me fix that. Also I will greatly appreciate your feedback on this.