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appreal coming soon challenge

Old• 6,220


Desktop design screenshot for the Base Apparel coming soon page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

anyfeedback is appreciated

Community feedback

Divine Obeten• 2,435



Incredible solution, however, on the mobile view, you should center the email div, and the image on the desktop view should be given a height of 100%.

Happy coding

Marked as helpful


Old• 6,220



@Deevyn9 thank you for your feedback

Divine Obeten• 2,435



@Old1337 you’re welcome

Sky• 945



Great work @Old Really like your solution on how you approached it. Its a good solution. Just one suggestion is that the border of email is appearing while hover on btn..I tried z-index on yours solution but doesn't seem to work. If you find a way to resolve it please drop back in the comment. Keep up the great work.


Old• 6,220



@Skyz03 yeah i was thinking of reducing the opcity but nothing i also tried to do a border-left:none but not working

Mary Njoroge• 150



@Old1337 try adding a linear gradient to the button on hover a color close to the input border color.

Carlos Guzman• 285



Hey @Old1337, great solution. A couple of suggestion for you:

  • Complementing the feedback from @Njoura7, you could add the properties width: 100%; height: auto and this will prevent that the image deforms itself when you resize the screen.

  • When the email is not valid, the message and border from the input doesn't get back to the original state. You could fix this adding a setTimeOut to the function that is in charge for this behavior.

Aziz Najjar• 240



Hello mate good work, I have two feedbacks for you:

  1. try to set the image in a <div> and add background-size:cover; that will force the image to take all the space and won't overlap 2)also pay attention to the font-type/font-weight, it is not the same, you can check the "design ReadME file" where you can find the fonts and weights used

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