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FAQ accordion card using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Desktop design screenshot for the FAQ accordion card coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

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Solution retrospective

Kindly let me know how I can make the image stable when the question is clicked.

Community feedback

Adam 430



Hi Godfred,

It's hard to tell exactly where the problem is coming from, but I think it might be because you've got the left and right sides both wrapped in the .row class. When you open the accordions, it's pushing the padding down for both sections.

I think the big thing you need to do is to take everything that's nested under body and un-nest it in your CSS. Generally, you should avoid nesting classes within elements and elements within classes, as it sets up specificity problems. If you're going to set a style for an element, it should be because you want all elements to have that style globally. Classes/elements that are nested under other classes / elements have a different weight than classes that are not nested, which can cause your code to behave strangely.

SCSS makes it easy to nest things, and it can be a handy way to structure blocks of code. Here's a methodology I use to nest classes in sections:




Thanks for the feedback. I will work on it.


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