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Interactive Rating Card

Fat 850


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

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Solution retrospective

It was overwhelming when I started learning JS like what are these symbols, syntax and functions. All of that made me into frustrated with big eyebags person. And now as a newbie, I am starting to understand JS and feeling more excited to learn more.

Community feedback



Hi, @Fahatmah. How are you?

  • You should've used interactive elements like <button> or <input type="radio"> for the ratings, instead of divs. <div> are used to wrap elements when we don't have a semantic element available. Here we are selecting a specific rating from a choice of 5.
    <li><input type="radio" name="rating" value="1">1</li>
    <li><input type="radio" name="rating" value="2">2</li>

Check out this little demo i wrote to show how you could've written the markup for rating.

Marked as helpful


Fat 850



@pradeeps4ini thank you for the feedback. I tried input radio types but for some reason I used div haha I forgot what is it about but yeah kinda work atleast. Thank you again and I will soon fix and add some things on it.

Elaine 11,420



Hi Fahatmah, well done working on this! JS is really not easy when starting out, but I think you'll get there eventually! You got a good start with your code; you just need to add in a few more lines for what happens when a new button is pressed and how to remove the "selected" style from the previous button. Right now when I click on a new button, the old button still has the old style, and if I click all of them, they'll all stay orange. I just wrote a comment on someone else's solution with an example of my old code, which you can check out here. Good job once again!

Marked as helpful


Fat 850




Thank You Very Much for the feedback and for the link. So happy!


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