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Loopstudios Landing Page

Fat 850


Desktop design screenshot for the Loopstudios landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I don't know why the layout becomes different when I submit a solution 😑 when I double check what it should look like in different sizes of browsers. Please give me some tips or tricks on how I can improve the layout in different browsers or devices. Is it because of what device you where developing at that will affect the layout of it? I use laptop by the way.

And why does the grid part of pictures are kind of invisible when someone wants the browser theme set to dark?

Thank You!

Community feedback

Illyaas 680



This is an amazing solution, it is almost identical to the design. Well done!

It could be a little different to the design due to the fact that the design has a small padding at the bottom and your doesn't. Try to add a margin-bottom: 1rem; to the footer. It could also be due to other measurements being slightly off like the gap between the grid layout. Though small differences like that don't really matter so you don't need to stress yourself about it.

You can use media queries to make it fit to different screen types and sizes.

Hope this helps! Happy coding!

Marked as helpful


Fat 850



@Illyaas4Show Thank you for the compliment! hehe Yeah I shouldn't be stress on something like those and aren't really important 😅 Thank you again!

Illyaas 680



@Fahatmah No problem. I also find it hard to ignore things lol

Illyaas 680



@Fahatmah Also, forgot to say, Asalaamu alaykum! :)

Fat 850



@Illyaas4Show Wa Alaykumissalam :)




congrats on finishing the challenge!


Fat 850



@afifhibatullahh Thank You 😀😊


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