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Mobile-first with CSS Grid

Neeka Poklitar• 135


Desktop design screenshot for the Four card feature section coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Mobile-first was fun! Haven't done CSS Grid in a while, but I think this turned out well. (also noticed that the font color that FMC had us use didn't meet contrast standards)

Community feedback

Adarsh Pratap• 5,515



Hey @neekaisweird, your solution to this challenge looks amazing, you did great work on this

  1. Design aspect
  • Everything looks so fine, layout, typography, card's shadows. Nice.
  1. Responsive aspect
  • Responsiveness works flawlessly.
  1. Code aspect
  • Your code looks pretty clean and understandable easily.
  1. Issues aroused
  • Great! no issues

Neeka Poklitar• 135



@adarshcodes Thank you so much!




It was good reading your CSS code. When I did this challenge (first one I've done) I used CSS grid too, but for desktop, tablet and mobile. In hindsight, I think I'd have used Flexbox (which I've use on the last two sites) for mobile and tablet then the grid for desktop. It was my first time doing a site and using CSS grid so I wanted to practice. Your code was interesting to read as it was different to mine. I used grid-template-areas instead of selecting column and rows lines. It's nice to see other ways to implementing it. Thanks for sharing.


Neeka Poklitar• 135



Ohh yeah I've used Flexbox quite a lot so it seemed easier to put it on the simple mobile layout and try Grid on the bigger sizes. I'm glad you've used Grid a different way though. As I reading and learning about it, it seemed like there were a lot of options/possibilities to use it. I'll try the grid-template-areas next time!




@neekaisweird I only started using flexbox a couple of days ago, so I'm still learning. Yesterday I found a really useful example which made it so much easier for me to implement the footer on the Huddle task (allocating a percentage to the width to take a whole, line or partial etc.) I've also experimented with calc() a lot in my last two challenges to limit media queries, which has been good. In the last one I only used a media query to reorder the flex boxes, so I'm improving!

I found these resources extremely helpful for CSS grid: CSS Grid: (for the video)

Mini-course (free and very short):

Neeka Poklitar• 135



@InterplanetaryDragon thank you for the resources! I'll definitely check these out. I haven't used calc() either so I've got to read up about that too.

I love this article about Flexbox, it helps me visualize what's happening-

Thanks so much! Happy coding!




@neekaisweird Thanks for the link, I'll be sure to check it out. I've a feeling there is much more power to unlock in flexbox.

I found the responsive text information a bit of a minefield. There are some crazy calculations out there, some that seem to require other languages too. I came up with my own idea of a shorter calculation and found simple calculations like this have allowed me to obtain pretty decent results:

font-size: calc(1.5rem + 0.8vw);

I'll revisit the crazier calculations soon...

Happy coding too!


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