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My first project! Fylo Landingpage

Dani• 90


Desktop design screenshot for the Fylo landing page with two column layout coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

This is my first project in Frontend Mentor. I made this landing page using anly html&Css, I used Flexbox to make responsive. Feedback is welcome!

Community feedback

Simeon Udoh• 535



Hello @Dani. I just previewed your website site. In addition to the recommendations by Rafael, I will suggest you reduce the font size on smaller screens. I'm currently on Mobile and the text are way too bigger.

One way I usually fix font-sizing is that I declare a base font size of

html {
	font-size: 62.5%;

62.5% means that 1REM = 10PX and not browser default of 16px.

Then on small screens, using media queries, I set the font-size to

html {
	font-size: 50%;

Now 1REM == 8px. This way, all the elements get resized automatically with just that one line of code since I use relative units. You don't have to go back to everywhere you declared font-size: to change them.

Kindly upvote my feedback if you found it useful.


Dani• 90



Hi @simeon4real! Thanks you so much for your reply. Is very interesting your comment, I will apply it in future projects.




Hey Dani, congrats on your solution. Very well implemented.

As some feedback:

  • You could try to use different tags on your html, not only divs for containers. Maybe some sections, for example, would have a better semantinc.

  • As I have a ultrawide monitor, your solutions get a lot of elements with large spaces or their width are very big. I don't have a thought about the best solution for this case, because I'm still studying about, but maybe you could have a max-width for the elements, with the margin: 0 auto for the page. You can try different approachs and resolution and see what fits better

  • Check the accessibility problem on the report and fix it, it's a good way to practice accessibility

  • Maybe you didnt style the border for the Get Started button, you could check the challenge image again and improve the border layout, would looks better.

yaakoubox• 115



Good job But it will be more professionnel if you pay more attention for the position of contents in the page

Dani• 90



Hi Rafael! Thank you very much for your feedback. I like so much your advices and I will try to implement them.


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