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Responsive mobile-first landing page using html, css and JS

Adeola Bamigboyeβ€’ 280


Desktop design screenshot for the Blogr landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello FrontenedMentor Community,

This is my first landing major design and i would love an imput and suggestion. I'm a bit worried about the breaking points and the overall layout of the design.

Community feedback

Daveβ€’ 5,245



hi @clazikar - good work on your first major design. πŸ™Œ I have to say you've picked a tricky one to start with! I've done a few easier ones and am working may way up to this one so I was interested to see you approached things. πŸ‘€

I can see a few areas you might like to have another look at, mostly in the top tricky section as it seems you've done really well on the site after that.

  1. The header looks very large when I open things - I'm not sure you need the max-height: 95vh setting? Things look a bit better when I remove it. At least at the larger screen sizes - I tend to use some padding to increase the size on these types of headers.

  2. I would suggest that the hamburger menus be button elements rather than divs as they activate a change on the page. I also saw that the elements don't disappear at larger screen sizes, which they probably should as it's a bit confusing for users if they remain there with the entire menu showing as well.

  3. For the hover menus, I can't access the drop-downs as when I move my mouse out they disappear! I was wondering how I would approach this and I thought I might follow the approach in this article:

Personally I hate hover drop down menus! - Oh I just double checked and they seem to work nicely narrow viewports so it's just a desktop issue it seems.

  1. And lastly, a small one, but all those links at the bottom would probably be better off in a nav just to let screen readers and other tech users know what the region contains and it's purpose.

Please don't let these small points demotivate you though! This is great work and good one for pushing yourself here! πŸ‘ I'll be trying this one in a week or so probably so you can get your revenge on me then! πŸ™‚

Cheers and keep up the good work!!! πŸ‘‹

.β€’ 310



The comment above covers most aspects. There are a few areas where the text doesn't line up properly (have a look at the lower section at tablet size 768px) and where the images are not aligned horizontally to the adjacent text.

Your CSS mixes units, try to stick to just rem/em if possible for maximum benefit.

When you do another challenge of this size you could benefit hugely by using SCSS. It will help modularise the css and make things a little easier manage.

Overall a solid attempt on a design that is not as easy as it initially looks. Great effort.

Adeola Bamigboyeβ€’ 280



Thanks dwhenson for taking your time to check and point out these errors. I really appreciate. I'll make amends and repost the solution. Thanks for the kind words tooπŸ™‚


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