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single price grid component with flexbox


Desktop design screenshot for the Single price grid component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I'm having trouble with the responsiveness. Any feedback would be great.

Community feedback



Hi Tyler!

  1. Container margins are left over if you are already using flexbox for absolute centering (justify-content: center and align-items: center). But that absolute centering you're doing doesn't work properly because you need to assign its container (body) a height: 100vh.

  2. The blocks at the bottom (.sign-up and .benefits) are in columns but they don't cover the entire row because they still retain a width of the 50% that you assigned them, so you must rewrite that value to 100% within the media query.

  3. I encourage you to review the documentation about Flexbox and Grid, the latter provides a more comfortable way to solve this design.

Greetings and continue with the challenges :)




Thank You.

Guliye 290



You are better although your site is not responsive. Make use of css grids and flexbox for better layout. This is the same project you built. I built using css grid and flexbox. Kindly go through to get better understanding on how layout and responsivenes work




Thank You.


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