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Testimonials slider

Jeuri Morel 1,405


Desktop design screenshot for the Coding bootcamp testimonials slider coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I struggled with media query styles not overriding original styling (mostly dealing with margins) and in the end had to use '!important' to get them to stick. Am not happy with that solution as from what I heard it's not considered best practice. I imported the media queries after the original styles, and assumed that that would work, but it didn't. Is there some resource that explains in detail how this works?

Community feedback

Kenneth 95



hey Jeuri, great work you did here.since your css is minified its kinda hard to go through it.i noticed that the attribution doesn't stick to the bottom in mobile view make it stick I would suggest you include this code snippet in the .attribution div

position:absolute ;
margin:0 auto;  //to center the content

since am also a newbie my margin:auto; sometimes doesn't work in which case I try out this code instead of margin

display :flex;
justify-content:center ;

I hope this helps.cheers

Jeuri Morel 1,405



Thanks so much for the feedback. I'll try adding this. I usually try stuff like this and it sometimes works, and other times doesn't. I think I originally had position:absolute & bottom:0 on it but took it off because it made it jump to the bottom of the screen, not the bottom of the page. I'll mess around with it some more. Thanks again for the feedback.


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