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Tried to do this with absolute positioning only - not responsive


Desktop design screenshot for the Project tracking intro component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Solution retrospective

How feasible it is to use absolute positioning? What do you suggest? what should we use for positioning?

Community feedback

Alex 1,090



Hi pranavbegade,

I noticed you used absolute positioning in both of your submissions a lot. If you are unfamiliar with other layout techniques CSS has to offer you I'd start with learning flexbox to start with. Especially if you want to make your layouts responsive. Right now your desings only work for one screen size and as soon as you start resizing the page to try to fit it on a mobile screen size it get messy pretty fast.

There are quite a few free courses out there to give you a great entry point in creating responsive websites. Here is one I can recommend myself, its totally free and I really like the interactive approach scrimba took on teaching. If you already feel comfortable with the basics of html you can skip forward to lesson 21, but I'd advise you to at least have a quick look at the earlier lessons. It's always great to re-hear things you already know, maybe you'll even learn new tricks you didn't think about earlier.


Alex 1,090




There are way better ways to position elements than absolute and relative. 😃 I barely use absolute positioning at all... Most of the time just for a menu that pops up on mobile. Most of the time I just use block level elements or Flexbox and Grid if the layout gets more fancy than just regular rows. 😉




@AlexBueckig That's great! I am following one course on Udemy and as per the syllabus, I am yet to learn those things so maybe I will use them in near future. Thanks for guiding though. Means a lot :)




@AlexBueckig Yes Alex, you are right, I have used absolute pretty much. But when I tried the relative positioning it was looking quite messed up and absolute was an easy way to do. And thank you for sharing the link, I will go through it and update the CSS.

Thanks for your valuable feedback :)

Alex 1,090



@pranavbegade I think I heard several people recommending the course on udemy you mentioned! :) Anyways... Have fun with the learning, I can promise you, it gets more and more fun the more you learn, so keep it going! And if any questions on your following projects come up, just keep on asking! :D


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