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10 common mistakes newbie developers make

Our community offers some excellent tips for newbie developers to help them navigate their learning journey and avoid common pitfalls.

The Frontend Mentor team


14 Dec 2023

Learning to code is an exciting journey but can also be daunting for beginners. It can feel like an uphill battle and can be stressful at times.

Each week, we ask our community a question on a specific topic related to web development. In a recent discussion, we asked our community, "What are some common mistakes you see newbie developers make?"

The community gave some fantastic advice. This article is for you if you’re a newbie and want to learn to avoid common mistakes.

Choose your learning resources wisely

There are many places to learn coding, but switching between too many can be confusing. Stick with a few good ones to keep your learning organized.

Start with the basics

Before jumping into more advanced topics, make sure you know the basics really well. It's like building a house; you need a strong foundation first. Understanding the foundations of languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will also help you pick up new tools and techniques in the future.

Begin with easy projects

If you're new to coding, start with small and easy projects. As you get better, you can try more difficult ones. This helps you learn step by step. It can be tempting to tackle large, exciting projects, but you’ll get further by starting with the simpler ones first.

Take your time to learn

Many beginners try to learn everything fast. It's better to go slow and really understand what you're learning. Think of it like reading a good book, not just rushing to finish it.

Regular practice is good, but don't overdo it

Practicing coding often is important, but you don't have to do it every single day. It's okay to take breaks. This can actually help you come back stronger and more excited about coding.

Stuck on something? Take a break

When you're stuck on a tough coding problem, sometimes the best thing to do is take a short break. Do something different, relax, and then return to the problem. You might see it in a new way.

Learn by doing

Watching videos or reading about coding is good, but make sure you also practice coding yourself. This is where Frontend Mentor challenges come in!

Plan your projects

Before you start coding a project, think about what you want to do and how you'll do it. Planning can save you time and help you finish your projects better. For Frontend Mentor challenges, this means reviewing the design, planning your project, and then diving into the code.

Focus on quality, not speed

Try to make your code as good as possible rather than doing it quickly. You might want to rush to finish the project, but building it the best way you know how is much more important. That’s where you’ll start to notice yourself making improvements.

Be patient with your learning

Learning to code can take time, and that's okay. Don't worry if you don't get a coding job immediately or are not learning as fast as you hoped. Everyone learns at their own pace.

Try not to compare yourself with others as well. If you’re on social media, it can seem like everyone is flying high and learning all the new tools. Don’t worry about them. Focus on your own journey and take each day at a time. Small improvements each day, week, and month build up to significant gains over time!


By avoiding these common mistakes, you can make your journey into coding smoother and more fun. Remember, everyone's coding journey is different. Enjoy your learning and the challenges along the way!

Contribute to the discussion

If you have any tips or advice for newbie developers, please feel free to share them in our community discussion.

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