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We're adding useful resources to Frontend Mentor articles

There are so many resources around the web that it's tough to keep track of everything. We plan to curate and highlight helpful web development resources from around the web as they pop up.

Matt Studdert


24 Jan 2024

This morning, I read a short article by Andy Bell on Piccalilli that struck a chord. In the article, Andy mentioned the days when Chris Coyier wrote brief overviews of useful articles on CSS-Tricks and then linked to them. It was a great way to highlight useful resources whenever they were published to bring them to CSS-Tricks readers' attention.

In Andy's article, he also highlights recent posts from Cassidy Williams and Sophie Koonin related to the absence of human curation with the rising tide of automation. Cassidy, Sophie, and Andy all make excellent points. Having trusted resources to help bring attention to helpful content around the web will never be a bad thing. The more, the better, in my opinion!

We already have our resources page (which I'm embarrassed to say hasn't been refreshed in a while!), I share "handy links" in our monthly newsletter, and we have a resources channel in our Discord community. But I love the idea of adding human-curated resources to our own articles as well to help highlight excellent front-end content from around the web to the Frontend Mentor community!

The plan

Similarly to Andy and Chris, I'll write brief overviews of the resource and why it might be relevant. I'll try to add any thoughts or learnings I had from the resource to provide more context. But, the main focus will be highlighting the resource and linking to it.

Do you have any resources to share?

If you discover any relevant resources for front-end developers, please feel free to share them in our Discord resources channel. Along with newsletters, RSS feeds, and social media, the resources channel will be one channel I'll use to discover helpful resources.

Thanks to Cassidy, Sophie, and Andy for sharing their thoughts on human-curated content. Hopefully, we'll get more people doing the same!

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