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3 Column Preview Card Component Main

imen dhaoui• 130


Desktop design screenshot for the 3-column preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

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Solution retrospective

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Community feedback

PhoenixDev22• 16,990



Hello @imendh02 , I have some suggestions:

To get rid of the accessibility issues :

  • Document should have one main landmark. Wrap the body content in< main>tag read more about main landmark.

  • You don't need div's ,<main >can wrap all the component (the three cards) .

  • Use a <footer> for the class="attribution".

  • You can add a <h1> with class="sr-only"(Hidden visually, but present for assistive tech).

.sr-only {
	border: 0 !important;
	clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px) !important; /* 1 */
	-webkit-clip-path: inset(50%) !important;
		clip-path: inset(50%) !important;  /* 2 */
	height: 1px !important;
	margin: -1px !important;
	overflow: hidden !important;
	padding: 0 !important;
	position: absolute !important;
	width: 1px !important;
	white-space: nowrap !important;            /* 3 */

To read more This fairly modern technique will hide or clip content that does not fit into a 1-pixel visible area. Like off-screen content, it will be visually hidden but still readable by modern screen readers.

  • You can replace the <h1 > by <h2>.

  • Images must have alt text. In this challenge all the images are decorative, each img tag should have empty alt="" and aria-hidden="true" attributes to make all web assistive technologies such as screen reader ignore those images.

  • Swap the buttons for anchor tags. Clicking those "learn more" buttons would trigger navigation not do an action so button elements would not be right.

  • If you are using a button element, always tell the browser the type of the button to prevent the browser from submitting any information. In this case, it should be a type="button".

  • A hover effect that raises a button looks strange. It's not a natural movement to happen.


  • <main> shouldn't have position: absolute; , It's a flex container.

  • You should use em and rem units .Both em and rem are flexible, scalable units which are translated by the browser into pixel values, depending on the font size settings in your design. Using px won't allow the user to control the font size based on their needs.

  • For each card :

flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
  • Set everything inside the cards to have some margin in one direction. Only the button wouldn't need it , margin-top: auto; for the <a>Because this is a flex column, margin-top: auto will push it to the bottom of the cards.

  • border-radius and overflow hidden to the container <main> that wraps all the cards so you don't have to set it to individual corners.

  • 375px is very late to start the mobile layout. Start it as soon as there is room for the layout.

Hopefully this feedback helps.

Marked as helpful


imen dhaoui• 130



@PhoenixDev22 thank u very much . that was helpful


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