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3 Column Preview Card Component with CCS3 and HTML5

StrigZ 270


Desktop design screenshot for the 3-column preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective


Why border-radius property on a container (.card in my case) does nothing in my code? I had to use border-radius on every <section> to make edges rounded :(

Also, changing color property for every button text is a good idea here? Can "transparent" color value find use here?


Community feedback

PhoenixDev22 16,990



Hello StrigZ, Your solution is really nice . I have few suggestions : HTML:

  • Swap the buttons for anchor tags. Clicking those "learn more" buttons would trigger navigation not do an action so button elements would not be right.(buttons are for actions like opening a modal, submitting a form, toggling an element,) -Whenever you include interactive elements (buttons, links, input, textarea), make sure you include clearly visible focus-visible styles as well as hover ones. This will make the users can navigate this website using keyboard (by using Tab key) easily. For future use , you have to specify the type of button .

To get rid of the accessibility issues you can add a <h1> with class="sr-only"(Hidden visually, but present for assistive tech).

`` .sr-only {

border: 0 !important;
clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px) !important; 
-webkit-clip-path: inset(50%) !important;
    clip-path: inset(50%) !important; 
height: 1px !important;
margin: -1px !important;
overflow: hidden !important;
padding: 0 !important;
position: absolute !important;
width: 1px !important;
white-space: nowrap !important; 

} ``

This fairly modern technique will hide or clip content that does not fit into a 1-pixel visible area. Like off-screen content, it will be visually hidden but still readable by modern screen readers.

I really hope this feedback helps . happy and keep coding.

Marked as helpful


StrigZ 270



@PhoenixDev22 Thank you!

darryncodes 6,430



Hi Strigz,

You'd need overflow: hidden; on .card for it to work (with border-radius: 10px;).

I don't think there is a better way to add color to each button text. Inherit can be useful in some circumstances.

  • you should update your height on the <body> to min-height: 100vh;, it's dynamic and will stop the design from being cut off when it transitions to a column (some padding on the body might help the design breathe a little here too)
  • you might want to add transition: ease .3s; to your button to make the hover affect smoother

Good to see another solution from you, keep up the momentum!

Marked as helpful


StrigZ 270



@darryncodes Thank you again :)


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