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3 Column using HTML & CSS

CompetentKoala• 30


Desktop design screenshot for the 3-column preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get the boxes to stack on top of each other in mobile display.

I know I am doing something wrong with placement of items inside the grid/flexboxes. If anyone knows how i could do this better let me know :)

it looks good. just isn't good for mobile.

Community feedback




I agree with the previous comment. This project looks really good, but I'd just add the media query in CSS and use the 'flexbox-direction' property with the attribute of 'column ( Afterward, adjust margins and gaps as needed. I had this same issue, but with the desktop layout, so I had to use the media query and 'flex-direction' property with the attribute of 'row'. You can find good information on media queries here:

Happy coding :)

danemaas• 520



what i would do here is create a media query for mobile screen and with your .card-box you can flex-direction: column.. it should position your boxes in column. just adjust the gaps on it and its good. hope this helps :)


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