It looks great on mobile. Could take up more width on desktop though. Keep on coding! Happy coding!
Thanks. I'll implement the desktop width. 👌
Please leave feedback on how responsive this solution is to your device.
It looks great on mobile. Could take up more width on desktop though. Keep on coding! Happy coding!
Thanks. I'll implement the desktop width. 👌
well your mobile layout will not go smaller than 454px and as you can see in the screen shot comparison your desktop layout is much smaller than the target design
you got the overall design I would re-code this project trying to code it mobile first and then transition the size of the element to the desktop size
coding these projects multiple times is very helpful
I'm still building my skill on the mobile first approach. Thanks for mentioning it. Would be nice if you could suggest some resources to help on that.
@chriscrea8 if you you have not work through this it is a good free resource https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/responsive-web-design/
@palgramming thanks. I'll go through it.
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