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3-column-preview-card using HTML and CSS only

Hamzat Lawalā€¢ 580


Desktop design screenshot for the 3-column preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I just finished this challenge, it took me roughly two days, even though I was busy in my workshop I'M OPEN TO ALL SUGGESTION @vanzasetia, @grace-snow thanks so much for the previous comments on our guys are amazing, I'll be happy to see you review this challenge.

Community feedback

Graceā€¢ 27,870



Here are some suggestions for improvements

  • footer does not go inside main. They are separate landmarks
  • alt on the icons can be left blank - these are decorative
  • it's unusual to have 3 h1s on a page. As this is a component that would likely sit on a fuller page, it would be more likely the headings would need to be h2s.
  • I don't think a list is necessary for the markup of these cards. If in a plain document you wouldn't have all this content in a bullets list so there is no need to here. The semantic structure from the headings on each card is fine. If use divs
  • you are setting the font size smaller than the style guide says. 0.8rem is equivalent to 12.8px (very small!) but the style guide says 15px. That means you should be using 0.9375rem
  • Never style on IDs. It is not what they are for and you are increasing specificity for no reason. It can only cause problems
  • margin does not need to be large on the component
  • you can set border radius on the whole component along with overflow hidden. Shorter and means yiu don't need to set it on individual card corners
  • the "Active" states in the design are actually communicating what should happen on hover. If you apply them on :active like that it will create a flash of the color change. You can set active and hover to be the same style if you want though
  • interactive elements are all missing :focus-visible styles. These are extremely important for keyboard users. Choose something bold/obvious - usually a bold outline is what's used
  • I wouldn't position buttons absolutely like that. Instead, consider making each card a flex column. That would allow you to place margin top auto on the buttons and push them to the bottom of each card
  • consider adding a transition property to buttons for smoother color changing
  • rather than changing the colors on each button, there is actually a blend mode you can use that would invert the text and background automatically for all of them. Just an idea

Marked as helpful


Hamzat Lawalā€¢ 580



@grace-snow @grace-snow Thanks so much for taking your time. *Concerning this "Never style on IDs. It is not what they are for and you are increasing specificity for no reason. It can only cause problems" this is the second time I'll hear this, but I don't understand what "you are increasing specificity for no reason." means, I'll be glad if you have a material/video that you can recommend on that. because what I learnt earlier from some videos was "use ids for styling one thing and use classes for styling many things. And this is the second time I'll hear about the Specificity thing and I still don"t understand.

  • I used active because that is what's written in the picture/design given, i don't like the result too.I'll just add :hover to it to make it look nice.

*OMG I was wondering why margin auto isn't working on the button so i had to use float instead, THANKS FOR THE TIP and TRICKS.

*Could you please explain this further or simplify: "interactive elements are all missing :focus-visible styles. These are extremely important for keyboard users. Choose something bold/obvious - usually a bold outline is what's used" and this "you can set border radius on the whole component along with overflow hidden. Shorter and means you don't need to set it on individual card corners"

*I think I'll need to read more on blend-mode later, I don't know it exist and I even tried Using it and it's not working.

*I was thinking jumping to an h2 without using h1 will introduce accessibility problem, thanks for the correction. *placing footer inside the main was a mistake, thanks for noticing

once again thank you so much. don't let this take all of your time...just answer it at your Convenience.

Vanza Setiaā€¢ 27,855



@EngineerHamziey Let me answer some of the questions that you had.

  • First, for the specificity, it's best to keep the specificity of the stylesheet as low and flat as possible. High specificity will make your stylesheet hard to maintain. Ideally, id should be used for anchoring (not for styling).
    • High specificity makes stylesheet harder to maintain because of the following reasons.
      • It makes it hard to manipulate the styling. CSS is about manipulating. We have to use the @media query to overwrite the base styling. So, if the base styling has higher specificity than the selector in the @media query, then it won't work. This might be not a big deal on a small project. But, on a large project where the CSS might contain 1000 lines then it's hard to debug when the issue happens.
      • It's best to make a habit of writing a low specificity stylesheet. This way, you are already getting used to writing a maintainable stylesheet.
  • Add :focus-visible styling to all anchor tags in this case. Usually, an outline would be great. In general, make sure that the :focus-visible is clear and not the same as the :hover styling. If you want to see an example, you can Tab through this page and you will see some outline on the interactive that you currently focus on.
.btn:focus-visible {
  /* some styling */
  • You can set the border-radius on the parent element and then set overflow: hidden to all the card elements. After that, you can remove all the border-radius properties from the .cards elements.
  * 1. it will automatically make the
  *     children elements obey the
  *     border-radius of the parent element
.card-container {
  border-radius: 0.4rem;
  overflow: hidden; /* 1 */

Hope this clears everything.

Marked as helpful

Travolgi šŸ•ā€¢ 31,500



Hey Lawal, congratulations on completing the challenge! You did a very great job šŸ˜‰

Tip of graphic design: with font-family:" Big Shoulders Display ", cursive the browser will use the Comics Sans font when it doesn't find the first font indicated (you can seen during loading)... for the designer it's a really awful font! I would rather replace it with a font-family:" Big Shoulders Display ", sans-serif much more similar to the primary font.

Hope this help! Happy coding šŸ˜

Marked as helpful

Vanza Setiaā€¢ 27,855



Hi, Hamzat! šŸ‘‹

I get the chance to online today, so here is some feedback from me.

  • Use CSS to uppercase the text. The uppercased word in the HTML might be spelled by the screen reader (spelled letter by letter).
  • Remove the commented code. If another developer (it can be you in the future) wants to improve this solution, he/she might get confused about whether or not the commented code should be used or deleted.
  • I recommend changing the attribution font size to rem instead of px.
  • I suggest adding width and height attributes to each img element. It is used to create a placeholder while the images are not fully loaded. As a result, it prevents the jumping layout (decreasing the Cumulative Layout Shift). If you want to learn more about CLS, I recommend reading the article from about it.

Overall, you've done great work on improving your solution based on the previous feedback. Good job with it! šŸ‘

That's it! Hope you find this useful!

Marked as helpful


Hamzat Lawalā€¢ 580



@vanzasetia thanks so much šŸ˜Š

Vanza Setiaā€¢ 27,855



@EngineerHamziey No problem! It makes me happy to help! šŸ˜„

Hamzat Lawalā€¢ 580




  • now I'm starting to feel like a real web developer (lol) with the help of everyone here, most especially you (obviously).

  • the first time I submitted a project and it had some accessibility issues, I asked a friend of mine and he told me to ignore them, but deep in my mind, I wish to become a standard front-end developer so that I can get a life changing job in the future.... so I want to be perfect....though I'm still at the begging.

  • You know I'm so happy when I detect Frontend Mentor, and I became happier when I came across one of your comments and @grace-snow on someone's project it was so explanatory.

  • My plan is to finish all free projects on HTML & CSS, ask for feedback correct the code then write another one that has a lot of comment explaining what the code from A - Z then use it to help others then I'll so the same for all free JavaScript projects here too.

  • I can now think of learning a frameworks for CSS and JS, one for each and start hunting for job after a lot of practice.

I hope this is a good plan. Everyone should feel free to join the discussion. šŸ˜Š šŸ˜. Do people even see it when you tag them šŸ¤”? Let's see




Graceā€¢ 27,870



@EngineerHamziey doing all the projects sounds like a lot, pretty much a full time job! (Remember new challenges are added every 2 weeks)

Just focus on code quality and doing the projects you need to practice whatever you are trying to learn at the time

Marked as helpful

Hamzat Lawalā€¢ 580



@grace-snow šŸ˜‚ wow "...every two weeks". Ok thanks so much. I'll try to build as many as possible then move on.

Vanza Setiaā€¢ 27,855



@EngineerHamziey It's great that you start feeling confident with your skill. šŸ‘

For your information, in my experience, there would be the time when I doubt my skill and then feel confident again and it keeps repeating. šŸ˜…

So, keep learning, and as Grace has said to you focus on the code quality.

Also, don't forget to give feedback to others as well. It's going to reinforce the knowledge that you already have and it feels great to be able to help others. šŸ˜‰

Marked as helpful

Hamzat Lawalā€¢ 580



@vanzasetia šŸ˜Š Yes, I'm doing my best at giving feedback too. Thanks alot. šŸ™ šŸ‘.

Hamzat Lawalā€¢ 580



Please I forgot to ask What do they mean by "the design sis created in the following widths: -Mobile: 375px -Desktop: 1440px" Are they referring to media queries or max-width ?


Graceā€¢ 27,870



@EngineerHamziey neither. Those are the sizes of the design images, nothing more. They are nothing at all to do with code. It's saying "this is how your solution should look at these widths". As frontend developers we make it look good at allllllll sizes and zoom levels, but designs handed to us will always be at static sizes to give us a guide

Marked as helpful

Hamzat Lawalā€¢ 580



One of the problem I'm facing is , I'm using latitude 2100 šŸ˜© That has a width of 10.1 inches 1024px...I'll get another one soon, hopefully šŸ˜Š I'm disappointed to see that my design is so small than the actual design.

@vanzasetia @grace-snow... I'll love to hear your review.. I always like to hear from you guys.. I've learnt alot from your comments and solution


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