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Age calculator app

tonexvi 40


Desktop design screenshot for the Age calculator app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello there, lovely folks!

This is my first experience working with JavaScript and, in particular, event listeners. I would sincerely appreciate any guidance or suggestions you could provide based on your experiences.

In addition, I'm trying to adhere to the BEM naming convention for classes. If you have any insights or constructive feedback about this aspect of my work, it would be most welcome.

Thank you in advance for your time and your valuable input.

Community feedback



Hi there 👋,

You have done a good job with styling the UI, i'm really impressed with the approach.Maybe you should add some padding to the button with arrow inside and you're good to go.

And for the Logic of the calcultaion , you should refine that because it proceed to calculate even if the the values are invalid, which should'be verified before the calculation.And add proper validations and display error messages, if any.

If you're willing to learn Javascript basics, you can go for W3Schools or . You can always test and imporove your development skills with frontendmentor projects.. Keep Coding.. ✌


tonexvi 40



Thx for the feedback and the links, I will look into the logic and fix the issue.


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