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Clipboard Landing Page Challenge with CSS3 and HTML5

StrigZā€¢ 270


Desktop design screenshot for the Clipboard landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

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Solution retrospective


I appreciate any recommendation. Thanks

Community feedback

Vanza Setiaā€¢ 27,855



šŸ‘‹ Hello there, StrigZ!

šŸŽ‰ Congratulations on finishing this challenge! šŸ‘ Good job on making this responsive on both mobile and desktop.

One thing that I notice is when the width of the screen starts becoming too wide (e.g. 1920px), the content gets separated too far. So, to fix this you can create a container that has max-width on it.

More feedback:

  • Accessibility
    • šŸ‘ Good job on using landmark, but I would expect something like this:
    <section class="hero">
       <img class="history__logo" src="./images/logo.svg" alt="Clipboard">
       <h1 class="history__title">A history of everything you copy</h1>
       <p class="history__desc">Clipboard allows you to track and organize everything you copy. Instantly access your clipboard on all your devices.</p>
        <div class="history__buttons">
          <a download  href="/" class="btn btn-green">Download for iOS</a>
          <a download href="/" class="btn btn-blue">Download for Mac</a>
  • Let me explain the above code.
    • First, there's no need for header. header element is commonly used to wrap nav element. In this case, there's no navigation.
    • Second, the section with h1 and the logo is a section, not a header. It's commonly called the hero section.
    • Third, for the logo, you can use the company name as the alternative text. Also, alternative for image should contain any words that related to "image" such as picture, icon, graphic, logo, etc. The screen reader will pronounce it as an image and the user of screen reader will know that it is a logo (the same as the sighted user see it).
    • Last but not least, the download buttons should not be button elements. It should be a elements with download attribute.
  • The <section class="track"> and <section class="features-1"> should be in one section element. Keep in mind that every section should have a heading tag.
<section class="track">
  <h2 class="track__title">Keep track of your snippets</h2>
  <p class="track__desc"></p>
  <img class="features-1__img" src="./images/image-computer.png" alt="" aria-hidden="true">
  <ul class="features-1__features">
      <p>Quick Search</p>
      <p>Easily search your snippets by content, category, web address, application, and more.</p>
...more code below
  • Let me explain the above code.
    • First, for any decorative images, each img tag should have empty alt="" and aria-hidden="true" attributes to make all web assistive technologies such as screen reader ignore those images. In this case, all images are decorative only, except the logo and social media icons.
    • Second, I changed the h3 to p because the content below it is too small.
    • The last thing, I would recommend swapping all the h3 inside the li element with p tag.
  • Add aria-label="Facebook" to the svg(social media icons) elements as the text content of it.
  • Remove the xmlns attribute from the svg tag. SVG and MathML can be used directly in an HTML document.
  • Styling
    • Use rem or sometimes em unit instead of px. Using px will not allow the users to control the size of the page based on their needs.

That's it! Hopefully, this is helpful!

Marked as helpful


StrigZā€¢ 270



@vanzasetia Thank you very much!


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