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Coding Bootcamp Testimonials Slider using Sass & JavaScript

Marcoā€¢ 185


Desktop design screenshot for the Coding bootcamp testimonials slider coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

if you have any suggestions, feel free to comment.

Community feedback

Daveā€¢ 5,245



Hi @devMarco02 - Great work on this one - it looks lovely and the slider works really well! šŸ™Œ. Here's some small points you might like to consider:

  1. I notice that at small viewports the content jumps up to the top of the screen. In this case you could add place-items: center to the main grid container. I tried this and it fixes it, but in true CSS fashion you'd need to fix some other element positions to make this work properly.

  2. I would also suggest that the testimonial buttons actually be buttons. This will make a few things easier to deal with and be more semantic. For example, you could then remove the tab-indexes you have set manually, which is generally not considered good practice (I think only -1 is generally acceptable to allow JS to focus an element).

  3. Using buttons would also allow you to take advantage of the outline property to show users where they are on the page with regards focusable elements - in this case the buttons. I also wondered why you added aria-hidden here?

  4. Lastly, and a small point, you could consider using a blockquote element for the main text here, possibly with everything wrapped in a figure? Check the MDN page for a nice example.

I like to use these challenges to improve my HTML - I had to look up the i tag you used as I'd never seen that before! The transitions you've got work really nicely though, and I love that you included the option for keyboard users too! šŸ‘

Keep up the great work šŸ‘‹


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