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css flex-box html

aman kumar 710


Desktop design screenshot for the Fylo landing page with two column layout coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
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Please give me your valuable feedback i want to validate email but i stuck but after some time i will update this project and correct my mistake thanks

Community feedback

PhoenixDev22 16,990



Hello aman kumar ,

Congratulation on completing this challenge. I see you have already received some incredible feedback which is nice to see, just going to add some suggestions as well if you don't mind:


The logo's alternate text should not be empty. Use the website's name as an alternate text. You may set alt=”Fylo logo".If you are going to leave the logo not wrapped by <a> , it’s better to place it out the <nav> as it does not navigate the user in anywhere(only an image)

Use the <form> tag to wrap the <input> and the<button> as Get Started much likely to be a button with submit type.

Forms with proper inputs and labels are much easier for people to use. To pair the label and input, one way is n explicit label’s for attribute value must match its input’s id value. Input fields without accompanying labels can lead to accessibility issues for those who rely on screen readers. If a screen reader comes across an input field without a label it will try to find some accompanying text to use as the label. (To hide the label visually but present for assistive technology, you may use sr-only class )

look up a bit more about how and when to write alt text on images. Learn the differences with decorative/meaningless images vs important content like icon-phone, icon-arrow , icon-quotes and icon-email are decorative. For decorative images, you set an empty alt to it with an aria-hidden=”true” to remove that element from the accessibility tree. This can improve the experience for assistive technology users by hiding purely decorative images.

For the alternate text of the testimonials avatar should not be empty, you can use the avatar name alt=" kyle burton".

Use the<nav > landmark to wrap the footer navigation with aria-label=”secondary “ or aria-label=”footer”. A brief description of the purpose of the navigation, omitting the term "navigation", as the screen reader will read both the role and the contents of the label. Thenav element in the header could use an aria-label="primary" or aria-label=”main” attribute on it. The reason for this is that, You should add the aria-label for a nav element if you are using the nav more than once on the can read more in MDN

  • For the testimonial , you may use <blockquote>, <figure>, <figcaption>

You may use the <address> tag to wrap the contact information for the author/owner of a document or an article (email and phone number.)

Never use <div> alone to wrap a meaningful content. Just keep in mind that you should usually use semantic HTML in place of the div tag unless none of them (the semantic tags) really match the content to group together.* By adding semantic tags to your document, you provide additional information about the document, which aids in communication.

  • For the reason stated before, instead of using a generic div, Use the <ul> to wrap the social links .It should look like this:
      <ul class="social">
          <li class=""><a href="#" aria-label="Visit our facebook"> <<img src="images/icon-facebook.svg" alt="" aria-hidden="true" /></a></li>
          <li class=""><a href="#" aria-label="Visit our twitter"> <img   src="images/icon-twitter.svg" alt="" aria-hidden="true"/></a></li>
          <li  class=""><a href="#" aria-label="Visit our instagram"> <img src="images/icon-instagram.svg" alt="" aria-hidden="true"/></a></li>

The social links wrapping the icons must have aria-label or sr-only text indicate where the link will take the user. Then you set aria-hidden =”true” to the icons to be ignored by assistive technology.

Aside these , you did great work. Hopefully this feedback helps.

Marked as helpful

David 8,000



Hello and congratulations finishing this challenge!

For a simple email validator you need to do it on your Javascript file, select your text input and your submit, and with a regular expression (you can check them on google/stackoverflow) you can validate any type of email that you put in your input when clicking the submit button if the email isnt valid, add some type of alert or for example a red border class to the input that alerts the user that the email isn't valid.

For example you can do something like this (don't take this as a direct solution to your code, add this classes to your input and try with your own code!)

const inputText = document.querySelector('.input__text');
const inputSubmit = document.querySelector('.input__submit');
const regex = /* Your email regex here */
const emailValidation = () => {
      inputSubmit.addEventListener('click', () => {
             if(inputText.value ==! regex) return alert('invalid email address!, please enter a valid one')

This is just a fast example that I made here and didn't try so I don't know if it would work or not, but you can get an approach with this example!

Hope my answer helps you!

Marked as helpful


aman kumar 710



@DavidMorgade thanks bro for your feedback and your valuable time i will update my challenge




You don't even need Javascript or other programming language to validate your email input. You just need to understand how browsers read and understand input fields like how browser saves information about user. I would recommend you to use this structure of HTML :

          <input type="email" id="email1" placeholder="Enter your email..." required>
          <input type="submit" value="Get Started">
  • This way your browser will validate your input field.
  • I would recommend you to not upload unnecessary folders & files to save server space.

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