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Desktop design screenshot for the Base Apparel coming soon page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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How can I make the button stick to it's place when using position absolute to put it where it is? and is there another way to place it there? The website looks great on my screen but once I post it I see it's not working .

Community feedback

Ksenia 1,350




You can fix the button position by giving position: relative to its parent element, so then the button will be positioned relatively to its parent. But what I noticed in your code is that you put the input field in a div , but the button is outside of it. It would be better to group these two elements in the same parent element.

Also, setting width: 39% on the input field and left: 43% on the button is not a good idea. It would be better to set width: 100% on the input and right: 0; top: 0; on the button, so that your input would always be 100% of it's parent's width and the button would always be on the right of the input regardless of the screen size. And in such case you may need to add box-sizing: border-box to the input, so the padding of the input will be included in its width.


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