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Desktop-First Responsive QR Code Component(Vanilla CSS and HTML)


Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

I wrote the solution with barely any external help (Google, etc.), and the knowledge I learned(from a course) was somewhat retained in my head. I would definitely try using reusable classes instead of just writing all the styling in one class.

What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

Implementing media queries. I revised what I wrote in a previous project, and it immediately clicked.

What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

Definitely in code organization, mainly determining a spacing system and also width and height optimizations.

Community feedback

Daniel 🛸 38,010



Hello, @Leo-yagami!

Your project is looking fantastic!

I'd like to suggest a way to make it even better:

  • Using margin isn't always the most effective method for centering an element.

Here's a highly efficient approach to position an element at the center of the page both vertically and horizontally:

📌 Apply this CSS to the body (avoid using position or margins in order to work correctly):

body {
    min-height: 100vh;
    display: flex; 
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

I hope you find this helpful!

Keep up the excellent work!

Marked as helpful





  • Every webpage needs a <main> that wraps all of the content, except for <header> and footer>. This is vital for accessibility, as it helps screen readers identify a page's "main" section. Wrap the card in a <main>.

  • Always include an alt attribute on images! Decorative images should have empty alt text(alt=""), but this image has meaning, so it must have proper alt text. Write something short and descriptive, without including words like "image" or "photo". Screen readers start announcing images with "image", so an alt text of "image of qr code" would be read like this: "image, image of qr code". The alt text must also say where it leads(frontendmentor website).

  • Headings should always be in order, so you never start with a <h3>. Change it into a <h1>.

  • .attribution should be a <footer>, and you should use <p> for the text inside.


  • Including a CSS Reset at the top is good practice.

  • Add around 1rem of padding on the body, so the card doesn't touch the edges on small screens.

  • Remove the margin on the card.

  • To center the card horizontally and vertically, use Flexbox on the body:

display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
min-height: 100svh;
gap: 2rem;

The gap is used to create space between the main and the footer.

  • Remove the width on the card. NB: Don't use % for widths, heights, padding, or margin.

  • Add a max-width of around 20rem on the card, to prevent it from getting too wide on larger screens.

  • font-size must never be in px. This is a big accessibility issue, as it prevents the font size from scaling with the user's default setting in the browser. Use rem instead.

  • Since all of the text should be centered, you only need to set text-align: center on the body, and remove it elsewhere. The children will inherit the value.

  • On the image, add display: block and change width to max-width: 100% - the max-width prevents it from overflowing its container. Remove the height.

  • As the design doesn't change, there is no need for any media queries. Also, it is common practice to do mobile styles first and use media queries for larger screens.

Marked as helpful


Grace 27,870



ddefinitely follow all of the above, except this card should not have a h1. While it's true that every page must have a h1 and headings must go in order, this is not a full web page. This is a single component example and it's a component that would never be used as a page title. That means it shouldn't have a h1, and a h2 would be more appropriate.

Personally I wouldn't set text center on the body either. Again this is a component who's styles would need to be lifted into a site where the component is used. That means it's best to encapsulate component styles with the component - place text align center on the card and it would be inherited by the cards child elements. Set it again on the attribution


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