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Easybank Landing Page - HTML, SCSS

Daveā€¢ 5,245


Desktop design screenshot for the Easybank landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Any feedback most welcome! I really struggled with the layout and positioning of the background image of the introduction section here.

I think it took me as long to get to a "just about OK" working solution on that part as the rest of the page put together. Any advice on that would be especially welcome!

Community feedback

tedikoā€¢ 6,620



Hello, Dave! šŸ‘‹

You did a great job on this challenge. There's not much I can say! :D I found a little bug on Firefox. Focus on .grid cards is seems to be glitched, it is working good on Chrome tho. Since your .image with mockup is is decorative your alt text should be provided empty (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. One more thing - after mobile menu is open you should disable scroling.

Good luck with that, have fun coding! šŸ’Ŗ


Jayā€¢ 695




lucky me, i found this usefull information regarding alt="" for decorative image

Daveā€¢ 5,245



@tediko Thanks for the feedback - much appreciated! I'll check out that bug on firefox nice to know about these things. I didn't check it. I've been back and forth about stopping scrolling when the burger menu is open, but I think I'm OK with it being allowed as it's less likely that people get stuck in it.


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