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Easybank landing page using React, SCSS and mobile-first workflow

Neil Khatriβ€’ 620


Desktop design screenshot for the Easybank landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Solution retrospective

My first time using SCSS and functional components in React, how did I go? Please be as harsh as you can.

Community feedback

Alexβ€’ 1,990



This looks good at a lot of screensizes. But careful, you have some significant horizontal overflow on between about 800px and 1200px screen width. Also, on very large monitors, everything is a bit too wide for my tastes, I'd wrap the main content in a max-width container maybe capping it at about 1200px

The mobile menu doesn't appear to do anything.

Careful with your HTML. Your list of navigation elements should be

     <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
     <li><a href="/">About</a></li>

Also you have multiple h1 elements, we only want one on the page. And all other headings should flow in order. You need a <main> wrapping everything that's not the header and the footer. And <section className="footer"> should just be <footer>

For the React code. I see you have a useEffect which is setting up a listener to the resize event in order to apply different classes to some elements. Just use a media query to do that. We don't need javascript there. It's really poor for performance. If you do need the size of the window in the javascript for some reason (For some far more complicated use-case), then use the resize-observer api as it is far more performant. But if something can just be done with CSS, do it with CSS.

Other than that, there's no specific issues with the React code. Except that it doesn't really make that much sense to use React for something like this. It's fine to use this as practice with setting up React, but as it's a static website, with as far as I can tell no real javascript requirements, making the user download the full react bundle to run the site, is fairly poor UX.

The benefits of a framework like React or Vue come from either when you have heavy interactivity. Or when you have a lot of re-usable components. And there are neither of those here.

If you want to really practice React skills, then I would try some of the app challenges instead like the Tip Calculator or the Clock. Just make sure you've got a decent handle on semantic HTML as well.

Marked as helpful


Neil Khatriβ€’ 620



@AlexKMarshall Thanks so much for the feedback Alex! I'll definitely take a look into these things and implement them in my future code. And yeah I just wanted to practice my React skills but I guess there definitely are better challenges to practice that with.

Nickβ€’ 760



how do you add a dark overlay to the body when the hamburger menu is clicked?


Neil Khatriβ€’ 620



@Nick331102 I had a div with the class overlay and made that cover the screen with a background colour of rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25). I used z-indexes to layer the different elements.


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