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Employed grid and flex



Desktop design screenshot for the Order summary component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I really need your suggestions . Thank you

Community feedback




Hello there!

Amazing job here! You did really well on this challenge! One thing you could add here is a div on the image at the top. Then you can add border-radius to the top corners. Great effort!

Keep Coding!


(If you found this helpful you can let me know by marking this helpful or by giving this a thumbs up!)

Marked as helpful




@BurritoDoggie thank you for you time. I had a difficult time trying to fit the image to the card so i could give it a border radius but still couldn't. So i just matched it's width with the card . i have tried wrapping the img in a div like you said but it's still not responding to the border radius styling.

Don't know what to do

Jessica 880



@blacp what if you gave a class to the image itself and gave border radius to that, rather than the image-wrap div?

Marked as helpful




@perezjprz19 wow, thank you so much . I did exactly like you said and the image now responded to the border radius.

Thank you so much

Jessica 880



@blacp you're welcome. I'm glad that I was able to help :-)

Marked as helpful

Jessica 880



Hey, you're almost there. A few things to work on and you should be a little closer to your goal.

If you wrap the div with the class .card inside <main> tags, that will get rid of your accessibility errors in the report.

The <div> with the class .container can be replaced by <button>. It should look something like this <button>Button Text goes here </button>. The reason for this is because divs have no semantic meaning. You can make them look like things and mimic the same actions in some cases, but they are still not the real thing.

Happy coding!!

Marked as helpful




@perezjprz19 followed your advise and implemented your corrections , really helpful.

Thank you so much for your time


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