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Four card feature section 🌜 Dark-mode / Light-mode feature

Yazdun 1,310


Desktop design screenshot for the Four card feature section coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello my fellow developers ! Here is my solution for this challenge with a extra feature :

  • I used grid to position cards.
  • I added dark and light mode as a extra feature.

And I have some questions :

  • It's first time I'm adding dark-mode to my project and I was very unfamiliar and had to do a lot of research, What are best practices to create dark mode using sass ? Is my approach any good ?

  • This should've loaded initial theme based on user's OS theme, But it seems like It's not working after deployment, does it work for you?

  • Can you switch themes or is my solution broken ? 😐

✅ Let me know your thoughts and feedbacks on this

Community feedback

Ken 4,915



Hey @Yazdun 👋🏻

I've got some feedback for the project.

  • For the icons, add aria-hidden="true”, because they are for decoration. You can read more about aria-hidden here. For example:
<img class="card__icon" src="./images/icon-team-builder.svg" alt="" aria-hidden="true”>
  • Next, <div class="header"></div> should be <header class="header"></header>

Now what comes to the questions:

  • I'm not really experienced with dark mode and how to implement it, so I'll let other mentors to give some suggestions on that.
  • When I first opened the website, I was going to tell you to add a feature to load the site based on user's preferences, but then I saw the question. Unfortunately, that option is not working, it just opened in white mode, whereas my theme of preference is dark.
  • Overall, you added a cool feature, and it works as expected.

I hope this was helpful 👨🏻‍💻 Cheers 👾

Marked as helpful


Yazdun 1,310



@kens-visuals Hello Ken ! I added header instead of div and also added alt="" aria-hidden="true" to my images, Thanks for the heads up 👍

Also I will do more research on how to apply theme based on user's OS preference, Thanks for informing me about It's functionality 🙏

Ken 4,915



@Yazdun no problem, glad to be helpful 😇


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