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Fylo Dark Landing Page using Sass, Parcel, deployed with Netlify

Fluffy Kas 7,735


Desktop design screenshot for the Fylo dark theme landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hey guys! I had a blast building this, even if it was a bit challenging at times! It also gave me a good opportunity to experiment with some new tools and I'm kinda happy with how it turned out. I've changed a few small things (on purpose :P).

It would be awesome to get some feedback, especially regarding the HTML. I try to pay attention to semantic markup so I'd love to hear some feedbacks on this (or on anything else really).

edit: When I check on my phone, for some reason it's all messed up, like only half of my css was working. I didn't have this issue with the browser's inspect mode. Can anyone explain me why this may happen?

Community feedback



I checked the design on my old phone, and it looks great, so apparently, it has to do with the version or the type of your browser.

Other than that, your solution looks almost perfect on both desktop and mobile versions, and it helped me figure out an issue with the footer in my solution.

I only noticed a very minor issue with the productivity-link-holder border on small mobile devices that the border is not exactly the width of the text. You can try using box-shadow, it will make your solution shorter and more efficient.

Keep up the great work 🔥🔥🔥

Marked as helpful


Fluffy Kas 7,735



@abdo-kotb I'm working on my code right now and adding some extra lines to make it more friendly to all (well, most) browsers. For some reason I thought, there's some magic tool that handles this for me but there's apparently not.^^

Thanks for pointing out that issue with the link, I'll take a look! I worked so hard to find a solution to make that underline look ok and never once thought about using box-shadow! Thank you so much!! :D




Great job on finishing this one.

regardless on you problem when css is not working, I also encounter that problem and the problem relies on version of your browser using, because some properties on CSS not working on old version, like gap clamp.

Marked as helpful


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