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Fylo dark theme landing page | Pure HTML CSS

Connor Z 5,115


Desktop design screenshot for the Fylo dark theme landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Feedbacks are welcome!

I'm trying to practice components based CSS. That's why my code are kind hot mess LOL.

The background curve image at the intro section are kind tricky. I did it using two position: absolute sections, and then pushing margin top in the next component to make the space for the intro section.

Let me know if you have any better solution!


Community feedback

Ksenia 1,350



Hi! Good job!

I really liked the hover effects! 👍

The better solution for adding the curve image to the intro section is adding it as a background image via CSS. Thus, you'll be able to position it at the bottom of the section with the background-position property and no additional elements with position: absolute needed.

Here is a link to the CSS Backgrounds reference on w3schools.

As for component approach, I noticed that you used BEM naming. If that is so, I'd like to mention that some of your classes names are incorrect. Here is a couple of examples:

  • .testimonial_card should be .testimonial-card, because _ is used for modifiers;

  • You have .profile__avatar and .profile__image__avatar. In BEM there can't be an element of an element, but you can nest elements. So, it would be better to name the latter one something like .profile__avatar-image.


Connor Z 5,115



@ksenius Thank you for you suggestion! I just figured out using linear-gradient with background image can do you job haha :D.

Diarrah 3,418



You did a great job!

The way I did it was just made a div between the header + the card container then put the curve image inside that div. Then just position:absolute, width: 100% & transform:translateY(-100%).

Maybe that helps? Diarrah


Connor Z 5,115



@Diarrah Yeah that sounds a good approach as well! Thanks!


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