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Fylo Data Indicator Challenge

GregsGrogโ€ข 50


Desktop design screenshot for the Fylo data storage component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I was unsure if I had correctly used css to correctly position my speech bubble. Any suggestions?

Community feedback

Anna Leighโ€ข 5,135



Hi, GregsGrog! Congrats on completing another challenge! ๐ŸŽ‰

The way you have done the speech bubble works, but alternatively the triangle could have been created as a ::before or ::after pseudo-element of .info-box.

A few other suggestions:

  • To better match the design for mobile, I suggest changing background-size on the .background div to cover rather than set dimensions. Getting rid of height and replacing it with min-height: 100vh will also make it more responsive.
  • Browsers automatically apply a bit of margin to body, which is preventing your background images from filling the whole page. Adding margin: 0 will fix this. Because browsers have some default styling, many web developers will use a โ€œcss resetโ€ on their projects. Hereโ€™s a good article about it if youโ€™re curious. ๐Ÿ˜„
  • Kudos to you for using a progress bar here. When I did this challenge about a year ago, I tried to use both a progress bar and a meter element, but could get neither to style correctly across all browsers. Not sure if much has changed, but they are a NIGHTMARE to style. If you wanted to match the design, you could try it out with just some plain divs for practice.

Marked as helpful


GregsGrogโ€ข 50



@brasspetals I appreciate the help! css reset seems perfect! I dont know why it wouldn't start with a clean slate as default ... As for the progress bar, I know what you mean. I dont think I managed to get it completely done but im only giving myself a day to complete each challenge so ran out of time!

Thanks for the advice!

GregsGrogโ€ข 50



@brasspetals I updated my solution and managed to get my progress bar to style correctly! Still playing with adding cover instead of setting a height. Thanks for the help!

Anna Leighโ€ข 5,135



@GregsGrog Just took a look - that's awesome! ๐Ÿ™Œ I wonder how you might get a white dot in there that would be responsive to the value of the progress bar. I'm sure you could use a pseudo-element like ::before or ::after. Might have to use some JS to get its position properly tied to the value. ๐Ÿค” Enough of my rambling - anyway! Excellent job on getting it cross-browser compatible! ๐ŸŽ‰

Background image responsiveness can be a tricky business that involves a lot of fiddling. cover and contain are handy and fun to play around with. I do my best to avoid giving large divs/elements a set height, and generally allow content to dictate the height instead. Visually, however, especially for mobile screens, setting the container to have a minimum height of the viewport can be useful. Again, it's all fiddly and personal preference. ๐Ÿ˜„

Shashree Samuelโ€ข 9,260



Hey good job completing this challenge

Keep up the good work

Your solution looks great however I think your progress bar needs to be rounded.

In terms of your accessibility issues simply wrap all your content between main tags.

I hope this helps

Cheers Happy coding ๐Ÿ‘


GregsGrogโ€ข 50



@TheCoderGuru Thanks! I was a bit confused by the accessibility issues. Do you know what browser frontend mentor uses to take screenshots seems I missed somthing, my progress bar works fine in chrome but I guess not in other browsers.

Shashree Samuelโ€ข 9,260



GregsGrog If your progress bar does not work well in other browsers I recommend checking the browser compatibility.

I hope this helps

Cheers Happy coding ๐Ÿ‘

Anna Leighโ€ข 5,135



@GregsGrog I believe the screenshots are taken in Firefox.


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