This is stellar work! I've got nothing to say regarding the styling since you clearly got that covered, but I do have a suggestion regarding accessibility, as some people get motion sickness from animations, and someone once pointed out to me the prefers-reduced-motion query, which I find very important and always try to implement ever since (sorry if you're already aware of it).
Marked as helpful
@RyukioMiyamoto You're right! Since I uploaded this solution I actually started using a new css reset to include prefers-reduced-motion but forgot to go back and include it in my older projects. So I really appreciate the reminder! I'll do it soon ^^
@FluffyKas that's very interesting! Did you use it in any FEM challenge ? I would like to take a look
@RyukioMiyamoto Both my newest solutions (Space tourism and Rating card component) should have the new reset! If you see any way to improve it, do let me know! ^_^