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Fylo data storage component

Fluffy Kas 7,735


Desktop design screenshot for the Fylo data storage component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hey guys,

This was a really fun little project. Without proper data behind it, it seem like a useless component so I just focused on having fun with it.

I added a tiny animation for the data bubble so the whole thing doesn't look so static.

I also tried declaring my custom properties differently this time following Kevin Powell's video so I can manipulate colours more easily. This is definitely something I add to future projects as well!

I used fixed widths for this component. I usually go with max-width, clamp, minmax, etc for setting the width but I thought for this challenge having a fixed width just makes more sense. I tried to pay attention to having the right breakpoints, so it's still responsive, hopefully :)

For the functions (like upload, etc) I used buttons but there may be a better solution. My logic was that these icons would add some functionality instead of pointing to different websites, so button seemed the most appropriate.

Since the display bar of that data usage isn't functional, I just had fun with CSS and made it purely decorative. ^^

If there was any way to improve on this, I'd love to hear it!

Have a good evening everyone!

Community feedback



This is stellar work! I've got nothing to say regarding the styling since you clearly got that covered, but I do have a suggestion regarding accessibility, as some people get motion sickness from animations, and someone once pointed out to me the prefers-reduced-motion query, which I find very important and always try to implement ever since (sorry if you're already aware of it).

Marked as helpful


Fluffy Kas 7,735



@RyukioMiyamoto You're right! Since I uploaded this solution I actually started using a new css reset to include prefers-reduced-motion but forgot to go back and include it in my older projects. So I really appreciate the reminder! I'll do it soon ^^




@FluffyKas that's very interesting! Did you use it in any FEM challenge ? I would like to take a look

Fluffy Kas 7,735



@RyukioMiyamoto Both my newest solutions (Space tourism and Rating card component) should have the new reset! If you see any way to improve it, do let me know! ^_^


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