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Fylo Landing Dark - SCSS and JS

Daveā€¢ 5,245


Desktop design screenshot for the Fylo dark theme landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

This is my second challenge trying out SCSS. I enjoyed SCSS much more this time around as I am getting more comfortable with it.

Any comments on how I can improve my use of SCSS would be particularly appreciated. Any other comments or feedback on any points are also very welcome.

PS. I bumped up the font size compared to the design specification as I found it to be very small in the design....

Community feedback

ApplePieGiraffeā€¢ 30,565



Hello, Dave! šŸ‘‹

Nice job on another challenge! šŸ˜€

I suggest decreasing the space between the top of the page and the header (since there seems to be quite a bit of margin-top on the header, especially on smaller screens). One other detail that I think would be a nice touch is to allow the background of the footer to extend to both sides of the screen so that there isn't any empty to the sides of the part of the design on larger screens. šŸ˜‰

Those are just small things, though. Overall, your solution looks pretty great and responds nicely! šŸ‘

Keep coding (and happy coding, too)! šŸ˜


Daveā€¢ 5,245



@ApplePieGiraffe Thanks again! Yes, I think you had mentioned that footer issue on another challenge. I'll try and remember that in future.

I'm always a but unsure with these challenges whether things with a background colour should spread out beyond 1440px, or be constrained. Luckily, it's an easy fix!


Daveā€¢ 5,245



Oh please ignore that extra-wide button in the screenshot - it's due to me using the fit-content value which isn't recognised in Firefox and maybe some other browsers.


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