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Fylo Landing Page With Two Column Layout

Lucas 👾 104,580


Desktop design screenshot for the Fylo landing page with two column layout coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

👾 Hello, Frontend Mentor coding community. This is my solution for the Fylo Landing Page With Two Column Layout challenge.

This was a quick challenge and I did not customize it. I'm in my journey to finish all HTML and CSS only challenges now I miss only 6. I'll customize only the last 3 one that are really amazing premium solutions!

🍚Follow me in my journey! Gotta Catch ’Em All

PS: I'm aware of the accessibility errors but this time I'll skip it and go to the next challenge. 🥱

Happy to hear any feedback and advice!

Community feedback



just uploaded my solution too lol. you really did a good job Lucas well done! can you leave a feedback one mine thanks in advance!

Marked as helpful


Lucas 👾 104,580



@anasssanba1 Sure Anass! I'll do that now.




hi Lucas I notice one little issue on the card in the second section is not lined up correctly with the rest of the content u can use align-self: start to fix it :)

Marked as helpful


Lucas 👾 104,580



@anasssanba1 Thanks Anass for the time you spent analyzing my code! I'll fix that ASAP.

Divine Obeten 2,435



Hi Lucas, congrats on completing this project, there isn't any significant issue to point out, but I found a minor issue that should add more value to your solution, the paragraph under the "get early access today" is extending farther than it is meant to be, you can limit this using a max-width on it.

I hope you find this helpful.

Happy Coding!

Marked as helpful


Lucas 👾 104,580



@Deevyn9 Thank you Divine I appreciate that you went through my code and spent time writing this comment. I'll fix that for sure. Have a nice day.

Divine Obeten 2,435



@correlucas you too!




Hi Lucas... Congrats on finishing this project... There are things you may need to fix. The mobile Navbar is not responsive and the logo for mobile seems too big, consider scaling it or reducing the height and width.

Also, the input field and button of the section before the footer is overflowing y.


Marked as helpful


Lucas 👾 104,580



@Source-Web Thank you. I'll fix it ASAP =)

Adriano 33,950



Salve lucas! Mano ficou bom demais, gostei muito do resultado do projeto em resoluções maiores!

Tenho uma dica para melhorar ainda mais a responsividade do projeto!

Observei que ele estava quebrando devido ao input-mail, para arrumar isso podemos efetuar o seguinte:

@media (max-width: 900px)
.input-mail {
    width: 80%;

Faça o teste!

O resto está ótimo!

Espero que ajude... 👍

Marked as helpful


Lucas 👾 104,580



@AdrianoEscarabote Vou arrumar isso, fico até com medo de olhar painel da solução pq está dando mais de 30 erros e eu nem gosto de trabalhar com formulários hahahahha valeu!

Travolgi 🍕 31,500



Hi Lucas, congratulations great job! 😁

Some little tips:

  • add header tag and wrap the navbar to improve the Accessibility
  • remove all unnecessary code, the less you write the better as well as being clearer: for example the div container of logo image
  • use nav tag only to contain the navigation link
  • to remove the blue border of input when you click in it add outline: none
  • to form-1 class not need flexbox
  • not use <br> to create space between elements because it is only to break the lines of text, use the margin to create space between the input and the button
  • instead of using px use relative units of measurement like rem -> read here

Hope this help! Happy coding 😉

Johnny 470



heyyy Lucas, good job finishing your solution. such a coincidence that i just submitted the same one 😅. good one bro


Lucas 👾 104,580



@johnnysedh3lllo I saw your solution! I wanted to left a comment that but everything seems really good! About the form validation I'm a newbie too so I cannot help you yet! Congrats bro =)

Johnny 470



it's all good bro, congrats to you too on yours.




@correlucas hi , congratulation i don't know how to adjust the height and width of the picture especially if it's in a div. can you tell me how to adjust it?please


Lucas 👾 104,580



@MahmoudKasrawy in which solution bro? Usually I add display: block and max-width: 100% to make the image fit inside the div with the automatic height. Send me the solution and I take a look for you.




@correlucas you add display: block and max-width: 100% to image or div content this image?

Lucas 👾 104,580



@MahmoudKasrawy to the img selector like this:

img {
display: block;
max-width: 100%;



@correlucas the div that contains the pictuer , how i add height and width of this div?

Emerson 50



Será que um dia chego nesse nível!? :) Vou continuar treinando para ficar bom assim. Eu tenho um pouco de dificuldades com posicionamento e organização mas não vou desistir rsrs.


Lucas 👾 104,580



@EmersonHenrique33 Claro que chega irmão. Há 3 meses atrás eu tava fazendo o desafio do QR Code e sabia pouca coisa, a cada desafio vc vai melhorando, vc vai daqui há 1 mes vc vai tá fazendo esse =)


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