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Gatsby js, styled-components

env-yβ€’ 20


Desktop design screenshot for the Officelite coming soon site coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hi everyone! Feedback would be greatly appreciated, do you have any tips for me?

Community feedback

Emmilie Estabilloβ€’ 5,540



Hey @env-y, looks good! All great feedback above too! The only suggestion I have is to make the date in sync with the timer. It looks like it’s currently hard coded in the component. On ios, the Get Started button is also touching the timer blocks, minor thing πŸ™‚

ApplePieGiraffeβ€’ 30,565



Hey, env-y! πŸ‘‹

Nice work on this challenge! Your solution looks great and responds rather well! πŸ‘

I think it would be nice if you added some form-validation to the form on the "Get Started" page to let users know to submit valid input before they submit their information. πŸ˜‰

Keep coding (and happy coding, too)! 😁

Guy Ezraβ€’ 615



Hey, @Env-y your project looks very good! I have only a suggestion. in the 960px width break point maybe make the pricing cards half the width of the screen I think it will make them look better and more readable. other than that it looks great! Happ coding! πŸ˜„

Web Frogβ€’ 1,840



Great work @Env-y. Your solution is spot on. It would be better if you add some margins for "Get started" button in mobile view. and reduce some spacings for card in mobile... Overall, it's great. Happy coding~ :)


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