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Grid Component Using Grid Template Columns

Tauri StClaire• 40


Desktop design screenshot for the Single price grid component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

  • The color displayed by Figma for the "why us" list as well as the Subscription "per month" is white, but they look to be a light grey? There is a drop shadow affect listed, is this an inset drop shadow?
  • This is my last FEM hacking it on my own before using a component library! I'm going to explore SASS and Tailwind, and would appreciate any favorite resources :)

Community feedback

Tauri StClaire• 40



Also, can anyone see where I'm having the accessibility issue: "<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, or <template> elements"?

Also also, I would love if you have and would like to share your own solutions to this challenge!


Vander Santos• 1,750



@tauri-st, the accesbility issue happens because you forgot to close the <ul> tag. Instead of writting </ul> you wrote <ul> in line 48 of index.html.

Marked as helpful

Tauri StClaire• 40



@vanderms Thank you so much! So obvious, but I wasn't seeing so I appreciate you putting eyes on it! Such an easy fix! My bad for not validating my code, rookie mistake. {:


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