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html, css

Nikola 20


Desktop design screenshot for the Single price grid component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello Frontend Mentor team,

I'm graduated engineer of IT from 2016. but I never try web developing by myself before. This is one of my first projects to test my skills. If you have any suggestions/recommendation where I need to pay more attention, or on what to focus in future (if it is possible to recognize right now), please give me feedback. After few successfully completed challenges in html+css, I will continue to upgrade my skills on javascript, than other languages.

Thanks in advance, Best regards, Nikola Sokolovac

Community feedback

Cường 845



Greeting Nikola, In my opinion, these are things that you should take into consideration:

  1. Instead of using p1,p2,p3...,you could use Descendant Selector for example: div p { } to style all the p tag inside div or .class p {} to style p inside that class. You can read more here :

  2. I'm not quite understand what purpose of this line div style="display: flex;", maybe you want it to display inline, you could set a class name for that div and then use Descendant Selector, example: .class p { display : inline } instead

  3. I see that there's many p tags have same attributes, instead of writing for each tag, just write for one p tag, and it will apply all the p tag in the page, this basic technique can use for all tag in html file, you can read more about it here:

  4. Instead of ".button" class, button tag might be a better option you can check out more tags here :, similarly .header -> header tag

  5. You should be aware when using inline styling because according to Cascading Order, the inline style takes the highest priority, which mean it's useless if you want to change some attributes in external stylesheet for example in your code :div class="whyUs" style="margin-bottom: 30px;> if you want to change margin-bottom : 100px in .css file, it will not be applied you can read more about Casading Order here : or example here :

  6. Font-size and font-family should in body tag, if there's just 1 font so you don't need to rewrite multiple times

That's all, these are just my recommendation to optimize some part of your code, you didn't do anything wrong, these advice are based on my experience, i'm not judging anything,okay :))

In general, if this is your very first project, you are doing extremely great, you even know responsive design, better than me back then :)), good job

Hope this help, Happy coding !


Nikola 20



@docuong0912 Thanks for your time and all suggestions! :) I'll read and repeat all lessons that you mentioned, and try to optimize my code in future in that way. Today/tomorrow or these days, I'll try to solve next challenge.. Maybe you will see it, and can review again.. :)

Thanks for cheering me up, I'm doing my best, but I'm sure that I'm not better than you since I'm new... xD

Once again, thanks for advice! Best regards, Nikola

Cường 845



@nsokolovac Ok bro, i'm looking forward to "judging" your next project XD

Nikola 20



Hey @docuong0912, my new project is uploaded, but I’m not satisfied as well. Try to find it and post your comments pls :))


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