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HTML/CSS only solution, responsive

ellienndea 130


Desktop design screenshot for the FAQ accordion card coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello, with your valuable feedback I updated my solution. Now I'm really happy with it and am looking forward to the next one. Any suggestions which one? Any further feedback is appreciated.😊 Happy coding! 🍀

Community feedback



Hi @ellienndea, well done again! Positioning those svgs is really tricky, I rememeber struggling with them quite a bit! As for your questions:

  1. I don't think the h1 moves at all, it stays centered within it's container which is the <main> element. It looks like it's moving to the side because the container is growing, but the accordions are not. You've got quite a large right-margin on all your <detail> elements (they appear because of the max-width that is set) It may be a good idea to just set a max-width to the .container div, and let the detail elements stretch to fill out the space, maybe with just a small right-margin to space it out nicely. I think the box svg is also not really moving, just resizing with the other images because they get less space on narrower viewports. I think I would change the media query breakpoint a bit, to allow a bit more space for the images in desktop layout.

  2. As for the second question, I'm not sure what element you're asking about - is is the arrows? That would be the margin created by the max-width :)

Hope this helps, if anything's not clear, let me know :)

Marked as helpful


ellienndea 130



@AgataLiberska Thank you Agata for your feedback and your help! 🥰 Glad you understood my 2nd question right. 😄 It's all connected. I'll try that out!




h1 is moving because you have set text-align to center. So it is trying to stay in the center. Give text-align to left, or just leave it as it is. Image is moving vertically probably because it is absolutely positioned. So with the changes of the screen size, '%' value is also changing.

Marked as helpful


ellienndea 130



@Ar1f007 Thank you Ariful! That makes sense. I'll try that. 😊


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