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I used media query for responsive design

ata58011 220


Desktop design screenshot for the Product preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I did my first project in frontendmentor and that was really good. I will do more

Community feedback

Lucas 👾 104,580



👾Hello @ata58011, Congratulations on completing this challenge!

You've uploaded your solution using codepen and this is nice. But this makes hard to us to analyze your code since this creates a lots of accessibility issuesif you look the solution report panel you'll see that you've ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES 71 and HTML ISSUES 90. This error are not created due your solution, its due the code pen because the report comes from your page.

My advice for you is to use or that are really easier platforms for live sites and totally user-friendly, in a matter of 5min your live site is online. All you need to do is to connect the Github account, import the repository and deploy it. Really fast.

Fixing that you've to update the solution with the new link and we'll be able to see your live site and help you.

✌️ I hope this helps you and happy coding!

Adriano 33,940



Hi ata58011, how are you?

I really liked the result of your project, but I have some tips that I think you will like:

1- Every pages needs a <h1> to show which is the most important heading. So replace the <h2> with <h1> and follow the sequence h1-h5

2- Every page should have one main landmark <main>. So replace the div that wraps the whole content with <main> to improve the accessibility. click here

3- We have to make sure that all the content is contained in a reference region, designated with HTML5 reference elements or ARIA reference regions.


native HTML5 reference elements:

    <header>This is the header</header>
    <nav>This is the nav</nav>
    <main>This is the main</main>
    <footer>This is the footer</footer>

ARIA best practices call for using native HTML5 reference elements instead of ARIA functions whenever possible, but the markup in the following example works:

     <div role="banner">This is the header</div>
     <div role="navigation">This is the nav</div>
     <div role="main">This is the main</div>
     <div role="contentinfo">This is the footer</div>

It is a best practice to contain all content, except skip links, in distinct regions such as header, navigation, main, and footer.

Link to read more about: click here

2- Why it Matters

Navigating the web page is far simpler for screen reader users if all of the content splits between one or more high-level sections. Content outside of these sections is difficult to find, and its purpose may be unclear.

HTML has historically lacked some key semantic markers, such as the ability to designate sections of the page as the header, navigation, main content, and footer. Using both HTML5 elements and ARIA landmarks in the same element is considered a best practice, but the future will favor HTML regions as browser support increases.

Rule Description

It is a best practice to ensure that there is only one main landmark to navigate to the primary content of the page and that if the page contains iframe elements, each should either contain no landmarks, or just a single landmark.

Link to read more about: click here

Prefer to use rem over px to have your page working better across browsers and resizing the elements properly

The rest is great!!

Hope it helps...👍


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