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I watched youtube videos about this challange .

Desktop design screenshot for the Order summary component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello , My name is Thaweesha. I'm from Sri Lanka. This is my first challenge on frontend mentor , so due to that I watched YouTube videos on this challenge for references . Then I had a issue with viewing the frontend on mobile and desktop mode vise versa. I don't have clear understand about that technique. So can anyone please help me on this issue?

Thank you!

Community feedback

argel omnes 1,800



Hey Thaweesha,

Congrats on your first challenge! The technique is called responsive design. There’s the Resources section if you like to dig around or continue with YouTube.

You actually got the card's layout right on mobile. Add the shadows and it's perfect. Now you only need to adjust it for tablet* and desktop.

*optional but I highly recommend not skipping it

Marked as helpful




@argelomnes Hey thank you for the feedback. I will follow more resources under that topic called "responsive design"




Hey! It's great that you started doing things. I think I might help you with that. If you are ready DM me

Marked as helpful


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