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Insure Landing page

Mehdi• 70


Desktop design screenshot for the Insure landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Solution retrospective

how much can my css code be better, I know it's inefficient but I don't know to what degree. 500 lines of css for a simple landing page is a bit too much I think.

Community feedback

Steven Toben• 750



There's a lot of incorrect html semantics going on. Your nav should hold anchor elements since a nav is supposed to be your main source of navigating throughout your page. On your hero section I'd change your flex's justify content to space between or something similar. You could also make the paragraph under the main h1 more legible by setting a max-width to something like 60ch. That would probably help it from overlapping with the image. Also you should only use one h1 element on your entire page. You're using far too many. h1 is the most important heading and then you should work down to h6, which is the least important heading. I also think you're abusing flexbox quite a bit. You could definitely use different display types throughout and it would work just the same. Anything that looks like a button, should be a button or anchor element. Also on the very bottom in your footer, you should use an unordered list for all of those lists. And all the list items inside the list should be anchor element because they represent links. Overall tho I mean it looks nice, it think the stylesheet is long because of the way you implemented your media queries.


Mehdi• 70



@steventoben Thanks man, I was going to put the anchors in the nav later and forgot. As for the buttons, yes I'm starting to see that now that I'm in my 4th landing page, it's definitely less confusing to use buttons as <button>. Thanks!


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