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Interactive Card Details Form

Clem FRontendβ€’ 20


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive card details form coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello everyone πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

This is my first solution on Frontend Mentor πŸŽ‰

πŸ› οΈ Build with :

  • React JS

πŸ“ƒ My questions :

  • It's a good way to split CSS into multiple files like I did or it's better to put all the css in one file ?
  • It's a good way to validate the form like I did ?
  • What can I add to the index.html ?

Don't hesitate to tell me what can I improve (and i'm sure there are a lot of thing to say πŸ™„), it will be very useful for me !

Thanks ! πŸ‘‹

Community feedback

ApplePieGiraffeβ€’ 30,545



Hey, Clem FRontend! πŸ‘‹

Your solution looks great! πŸ‘ Good job with the semantics, accessibility, and functionality of the form, as well! πŸ‘

I wouldn't make the credit card number the h1 of the page since it isn't a very meaningful heading and doesn't describe the content of the page to users. Instead, given that the design of this page doesn't have a visible heading, you can add an invisible heading for semantics (as every page should have at an h1) and screen readers. Check out this helpful read on the topic.

And one minor thing in terms of designβ€”it would be good to add a max width to the form in the tablet view so that its controls don't become too wide when the layout first changes from desktop to tablet.

Also, as @eng-milan mentioned, splitting your CSS into separate files is a good practice moving forward since it makes things easier to organize and work with (especially in large projects). πŸ˜‰

Hope you find this helpful. 😊

Keep coding (and happy coding, too)! 😁

Marked as helpful


Clem FRontendβ€’ 20



Hello @ApplePieGiraffe , First thank you for your feedback 😎

Interesting things about h1 and max-width, I take a note for the future !




Awsome design. I am also new and I am myself learning good practices so I won't be able to give you advise on your code bu UI is absolutely stunning.

To answer your question about css, React fundamental is about creating reusable components with disconnectivity to the whole project. So in my opinion if you create your own styles and not using css libraries, it's better to create separate css file for each component.

Hope this'll help.

Marked as helpful


Clem FRontendβ€’ 20



Hello @eng-milan ,

Thank you for your feedback and your answer !


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