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Interactive Rating Card using Flexbox, JavaScript


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Solution retrospective

I suspect there is more than one way to style the radio buttons. I wasn't totally satisfied with my solution.

Please just look it over and let me know what you think.

Community feedback

Danilo Blas 6,300



Hi Jason!

I would recommend you to add a few small details, like adding the letter-spacing: 2px attribute to the SUBMIT button. With this you would generate that separation that comes out in the design.

I would also recommend adding transition to all the buttons or links that have a change of state that alters the background colors, font color, size, position, etc. Adding to these elements for example transition: all 250ms. This will make your projects look more professional.

I hope these recommendations will help you apart from the one given in the previous message.

Good Luck!

Marked as helpful




@Sdann26 Thank you for taking the time to provide some feedback. The devil is in the details, right? I'm going to make the changes you suggested and keep the transition idea in mind going forward. I appreciate the help. Cheers!

Danilo Blas 6,300



@jaycgreenwald Exactly, always trying to make things as equal as possible, and later will come more complicated things because they must be adapted to all types of devices, where you have to keep in mind whether mobile, tablet, desktop or TV.

Good Coding!




Hey Jason. Congrats on completing this challenge it's really smooth and responsive! You might not want to use the autocomplete attribute on your radio buttons as this works for a specific input types so instead of setting it to off, you could just leave it out. This will reduce your HTML validation errors.

Autocomplete is only allowed when the input type is color, date, datetime-local, email, hidden, month, number, password, range, search, tel, text, time, url, or week. Happy coding and keep up the great work.

Marked as helpful




@tesla-ambassador Thank you for the feedback. I had no idea about the autocomplete attribute - I just knew it fixed my problem. I'll look into another option. I appreciate the help. Cheers!




Everything is great but if user doesn't select any rating then it should have default value of (1 or 0 ) or you should send alert saying select atleast one to proceed. Others looks perfect.


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