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interactive rating component main using HTML, CSS and Vanilla Js

Jesus Rebeitteβ€’ 110


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Solution retrospective

For this solution I used html, css and vanilla JS. I used a for loop to iterate over the botoms to select the ranks, also I added a buttom to close the submit page.

I'm open to any advice, I had problems with the rating point, because I wanted to print the option that user selected and not only "You selected 4 out of 5".

Community feedback

Tesla_Ambassadorβ€’ 2,980



Hey Rebeitte! Congratulations on completing this challenge! It looks really sharp and I hope you had fun completing it. πŸ‘ Here's a few pointers:

  • To answer your question, you might want to add an id tag to the <span> that contains the number 4 in your html. Then you can select that span in your javaScript using document.querySelector( '#element' ) or whatever selector you are comfortable with. So you need to save the value of the button selected by the user in a variable and set that variable as the innerText property of the <span> in your javaScript. To know a little more on innerText, follow this link

Happy coding and keep up the good work πŸ‘

Marked as helpful


Jesus Rebeitteβ€’ 110



@tesla-ambassador Thank you so much! I was reading about how to use innerText and I found the solution.

Thanks for helping me improve my code and my skills!

Elaineβ€’ 11,420



Hey Rebeitte, I also had a look at your code and the component, and I found that while the selected number does change the background color, it doesn't change back when another number is selected, which means that if I take turns clicking on all the 5 buttons, all of them would end up gray, which would not be like the design. Ideally, only the most recently clicked one would remain gray. I see that you're using toggle in your JS; what that means is that, the class would get added or removed depending on whether the button is clicked, but it doesn't get added/removed if other buttons are clicked.

To solve this problem, you'd have to add another iterator in your loop; I've added a forEach() function here for simplicity, which you'll see below. Just to follow Tesla_Ambassador's suggestion above, I've added a line here to show how you can show the score; you can take the number directly from the clicked items element using textContent and then just add that to the textContent of the <span> tag.

First, add an id in your HTML within the <span> tag:

<p class="rank-select">
  You selected <span id="score">4</span> out of 5

Then try this in your JS:

const scoreEl = document.getElementById('score');

for (let i = 0; i < ranks.length; i++) {
  ranks[i].addEventListener('click', function selecting() {

    // this would remove the style class from all the items first, kind of like a reset
    ranks.forEach((rank) => rank.classList.remove('number_selected')); 


    ranks[i].style.color = 'white';

    // This would add the number to the span tag
    scoreEl.textContent = ranks[i].textContent

Hope this helps!

Marked as helpful


Jesus Rebeitteβ€’ 110



@elaineleung Hello Elaine! thanks for taking time to help me. I just tried the solution that you gave me and it works perfectly, I spend some hours looking for the way to print the number selected to the span and I didn't found it, so this is an amazing advice!

I used the for loop to iterate over the rank buttoms because I'm still learning the basics in freecodecamp, but the way you do with forEach work perfectly and it's easier to understand.

Thank you so much for helping me! this is really good for improving my skills

Elaineβ€’ 11,420



@Rebeitte Glad I could help! Keep up the good work, you got this :)


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