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Interactive rating component using HTML, CSS & JS

Andrew 90


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

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Solution retrospective

This is one of my first js projects

I've done most of the challenge just missing the right colors for the inactive buttons and some styling for the response.

any tips on ways to improve will be greatly appreciated.

Community feedback

Grace 27,710




Really important to use a form element and radio inputs in a fieldset on this. It can't be a load of buttons like that.

Other things that's causing problems on mobile with content being cut off is the height 100vh. Never limit height like that when there is written content inside - you need to use min-height

Hope thats helpful,along with the comments above

Marked as helpful


Andrew 90



@grace-snow Thank you for the feedback. I limit my body's height so that I can get the container to the center, is there a different way to the container in the center without leaving a huge gap at the bottom?

Grace 27,710



@L1m1tz use min height like I said

Marked as helpful




Hi, nice work so far.

  1. To be very sure of the colors, you can open the design file on your browser, then open developer option by (control shift i) and search around for a dropper. you can also search online how to find a color dropper for your web browser.

  2. You can also center the details on the submit page to improve the aesthetics.

  3. Endeavor not to use style elements by tag name or with id, using classes all through saves time debugging and prevent issues with specificity

  4. Using static units such as pixels for font size is also not advisable since page sizes vary, specify for font size in relation to the browser window size using rem or em.

I hope this helps. Have a nice day.

Marked as helpful


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