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Interactive rating component using HTML, CSS, JS.

Petru Banceanu• 110


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

The most difficult part was writing JS, I struggled for a few hour's trying to figured out how to make the pop-up results to be exactly the same number with the one that was clicked. I'm still unsure with that part, as I tried to figure how to change the background color only for the selected number, but I couldn't find any helpful solution, so I will appreciate any helpful tips from u guys regarding that part of the code, and any kind of feedback as well. Thanks!

Community feedback

Elaine• 11,420



Hi Petru, I did this challenge a while ago and recently updated it with a different approach using radio buttons, but I think my old code might still help you out a bit. First, in your buttons, you'll want to add a value for each button, like this:

<button class="btn" value="1" />1</button>

Here's roughly what the JS looked like:

const cardEl = document.getElementById("cardEl");  
const scoreBtns = document.querySelectorAll(".btn");

let selected = null;  // this will keep track of which button is pressed

scoreBtns.forEach((btn) => {
  btn.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
    selected = btn.value;

// this function handles what happens when the button is pressed

function selectScore(selected) {
  scoreBtns.forEach((btn) => {

  // first, remove all classes

  // checks button to see if value matches selected
    if (btn.getAttribute("value") === selected) {

  // adds class to button

In the CSS, you just make sure you write a rule for the button with the selected class and also the button hovered:

.btn:hover {
  background-color: // btn color here;
.is-selected {
  background-color: // selected btn background color here;

Hope this helps you out a bit! If you're interested in my radio button accessibility version (which is more complicated with labels and inputs being hidden and tabbed), you can check out my solution here:

Marked as helpful


Petru Banceanu• 110



@elaineleung thank you for your feedback, I will try to use the first solution, just in case it's not working I will check the second one. Thanks! 😀

Pradeep Saini• 990



Hi, @petru14. How are you?

You have done a great job implementing the design.

I would like to suggest some changes, if you don't mind.

  1. You've wrote the HTML for the card in a <header>. You should've used <main> instead. <header> is used for the heading of the page. For the main content, which is card in our design, should be in the <main> element. For the footer, you can use <footer> element. Using right elements for the right content is better for readability and accessibility. You can read more here...

  2. You don't need "d-flex and container" styling on the, "container", "cont", and "content" wrappers. They have block level elements, they automatically position themselves vertically.

In the "cont" and "cont-1" wrapper, you don't need a max-width: 600px and width: 100%. Because you've specified a "max-width:380px" in the "content" wrapper element. With these changes you won't need media queries to resize the "content" wrapper element. It will auto resize itself.

In the "cont" and "cont-1" add a property of "margin-inline: 1rem;" to give some side margin.

  1. You can set the property "flex-wrap: wrap;" on <ul>. This way the <li> items will break to 2nd line when the size is too small for them to fit.

  2. I wrote a simple demo code to show, how you can get the chosen rating and display it. Read it, modify it and learn from it. If you want to create something that can refresh the page with a button without refreshing the browser tab. I hope, i could help you.:)

Marked as helpful


Petru Banceanu• 110



@pradeeps4ini thanks for your feedback it's really helpful , the only problem that I still have is with rating value, to change the background color only for the value selected, I fix the part when the value on the thank you card is = with the value selected , and also for the refresh button I try your solution but unsuccessfully. Thank you again I really appreciate your help!


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