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Interactive Rating Component (Using HTML+CSS+JS)


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

What I add extra from the request ?

  • I add a linear gradient to the background

Community feedback



Hey @Yunuscinar41 good job on the design i only have one suggestion that might make the card a little cooler which is the inner shadow for both the main-container and thank-you containers

box-shadow: inset 0 -10rem 15rem #00000050;

you can play around with the values till it feels right. hope that helps and happy coding !

Marked as helpful




congrats for your solution @Yunuscinar41, to correct the html issue you should remove the charset attribute on the script tag. I also appreciate your "rate again" button. The user have this opportunity to rate a second time if he wants or if he changes his mine. But there is a problem cause the user can click the submit button even if he has not given a rating and he get the default rating "5" as a result. I would suggest you to use the "localStorage.setItem()" method to save the textContent in your rating-event inside the browser server and then use the "localStorage.getItem()" to get this content that would be written on the page that loads after pressing the submit button.

I really hope It helps

Happy coding :)

Marked as helpful




@Christ-Kevin Yes, you're right however that's the part of the joke I tried to make :/. If users forget and click submit, then they'll give 5 stars.


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