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Interactive Rating Component with Flexbox

lasse-cs 50


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I was not able to get the background colours right for this project.

How should the rating circles be made accessible? Should this component be a form with HTML radiobuttons and a submit button? Is it possible to style these appropriately?

I was also not sure how best to enforce that the container should be the same size for both states. I wasn't sure if I should be setting explicit dimensions on the container for this.

Community feedback

Fluffy Kas 7,735




Your solution looks great! I think it's okay to deviate from the original challenge every now and then, I think your background gradient is actually nice.

As you said, the best solution for this would be a form with radio buttons. It's a bit tricky to style it but possible. Essentially, you'd want to visually hide the original radio buttons and style their labels to look like the numbered buttons. Probably adding a legend as a title ("Ratings") is a good idea too.

I think the only way to ensure the cards are the same size would be setting their width to be a fixed value which yes, might lead to issues with responsiveness (although you could play around with media queries but it's a lot of hassle for a small problem). I think, what you did here looks great, the two cards, at least to me, seem almost identical so I wouldn't worry about it.

Overall, even if you didn't choose the most accessible path for this challenge what you did is great. Looks like you put a lot of effort into it, so well done!


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