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Interactive Rating (mobile first)


Desktop design screenshot for the Interactive rating component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Solution retrospective

Hi, I submit my solution but I am not able, for some reason, to make the "submit" button work. Any advice on this ? I've read my code over and over but I am not able to find the problem... Thanks

Community feedback




Hi Pierre,

I sent a pull request to your project on GitHub with the changes made, I see that other people have already answered your question and helped you debug, but I wanted to let you know to look on GitHub if you wanted to practice pull requests and merging.

Hope this was helpful!

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You are adding and removing the class 'hidden' inside the click event, but there is no hidden class in your css file.

submitBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
    if (rate) {
        ratePoint.innerText = rate;

You are using the hidden attribute on your html element.

<div class="thank-section" hidden>

Here is what you could do:

  1. Create a hidden class in your css file.
   display: none;
  1. Remove the hidden atribute from
<div class="thank-section" hidden>

and add the hidden class

 <div class="thank-section hidden" >

This should fix your problem.

Marked as helpful

visualdennis 8,255



Looks good overall. Congrats on completing the challenge successfully.

Regarding your issue: Here it looks like you are trying to remove the classList: thankSection.classList.remove('hidden');

but there is no class called hidden, so looks like you wrote it outside of class names here:

<div class="thank-section" hidden> Also u can add some console.log() to rate and to ur event listener of button to debug the issue if it still persists.

One more tip: You might consider removing the border from the button for a better look and match the design more :)

Hope you find this feedback helpful!

Marked as helpful




@visualdenniss thank you, now it works ! I remember now that I saw it and did not understand why the guy created a "hidden" class instead of writing it directly in the HTML (I did it with an help from a video). Cheers

visualdennis 8,255



@PierreFrs Glad to hear it works now and my suggestion was helpful! :)

Marked as helpful


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